Cardiovascular Disease – The Bad News and the Good News

Cardiovascular Disease – The Bad News and the Good News

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels.

Cardiovascular diseases are a serious problem in the modern world.

According to WHO (World Health Organization) data, 17.9 million people die every year due to cardiovascular diseases, which is about one third of all deaths. They most often affect people over 45 years of age. The mortality rate is different in both males and females in any given period of life. Between the ages of 45-59, men predominate, while after the age of 60, the death rate is higher in women.

American Heart Association 2019 statistics show that heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States, responsible for 840,768 deaths in 2016. The annual estimated cost in the United States is $351.2 billion.

Approximately every 40 seconds, an American will have a myocardial infarction (a heart attack). In the United States in 2019, coronary events are expected to occur in about 1,055,000 individuals, including 720,000 new events and 335,000 recurrent coronary events. Additionally, every 40 seconds on average, and American will have a stroke. Around 795,000 Americans will have a new or recurrent stroke annually.

What can you do?

You’ve read the bad news so here’s the good news.

The good news is that about 90% of stroke risk is due to modifiable risk factors; 74% is due to behavioral risk factors:

BEHAVIOR/RISK                                                                    PREVALENCE

– Smoking                                                                              – 15.5%

– Obesity, Adults                                                                   – 39.6%

– Obesity, Youth                                                                    – 18.5%

– Hypertension                                                                      – 45.6%

– Type 2 Diabetes                                                                 – 13.5%

The control of risk factors allows for a reduction in mortality (death). Lifestyle adjustments, such as quitting smoking, increasing physical activity, or achieving a proper body weight, reduce the risk of cardiovascular events.

Age, gender & genetic factors are beyond our control. However, smoking, obesity, lack of physical exercise, disorders of our metabolic system, high blood pressure, diabetes and poor diet are all within our individual control. Treatment for many diseases, including cardiovascular related diseases, is very much within our control.

Underlying cardiovascular conditions are a result of metabolic disorder. Metabolic disorder (or cellular dysfunction) can be positively affected by targeted nutrition at the cellular level to restore the cells to optimum functioning.

The solution is to adopt an eating program that will support optimum metabolic function at the cellular level. The Eat Well, Feel Great! Nutrition Program does just that. This program will help you understand what to eat in order to achieve optimal health. And, it's not complicated. Click here for more information about the Eat Well, Feel Great! Nutrition Program.


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